Innovative educational and media practices for an inclusive and participatory Europe – Bridging the gap between university and non-formal education

  • Specific Objectives of the Project: 
  1. – Fostering mutual understanding and respect among people with different ethnic or religious backgrounds, beliefs or convictions, including by addressing stereotypes and promoting intercultural dialogue;
  2. – Enhancing critical thinking, cyber and media literacy among children, young people, youth workers and educational staff;
  3. – Creating inclusive and democratic learning environments; 
  • Project Partners: 
  1. – l’Institut des Hautes Études des Communications Sociales (IHECS), Bruxelles, Belgia /
  2. – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spania / |
  3. – City University London, Marea Britanie / |
  4. – Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania (UBB) /
  5. – University of Tübingen, Germania /
  6. – Thomas More University College (TM), Mechelen, Belgia /

Cluj-Napoca WORK-SHOP 16-18 of May 2018